January 09, 2017

Students Go First

At last fall’s Convocation, the formal ceremony that kicks off the academic year, new students marched en masse to Eaton Chapel along College Street through a phalanx of cheering faculty instead of the other way around.

Marissa Robertson'20
For years, the robed administrators and faculty marched first, while first-year students lined the parade route, waiting for faculty and staff to pass before turning and following them into the chapel. Another new twist on a traditional ceremony came at the end of the event. New students exiting Eaton Chapel were met by a large contingent of returning students who welcomed them with raucous applause.

Also In This Issue

  • The 2016 Athletic Hall of Honor inductees are from left, back row: Marc Montoya’00, Brenda Erdman Miller’96, and Josh Hinz’06. Coach Bob Hodge is front and center.

    Four Alumni Receive Top Athletic Honors

  • Jerry Donley’51 preparing for his event

    Clearing the Bar


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