

This fall marks 85 years since the Morse-Ingersoll Hall cornerstone was placed. This glorious Georgian academic building features a central arch, originally designed to allow townspeople to pass through campus.

在莫尔斯-英格索尔大厅前 于1930年实现, 贝洛伊特 citizens had beaten a well-worn path across campus at Emerson and College Streets as they made a shortcut to town from neighborhoods on the north end. 在20世纪20年代末, with plans for a new humanities and social sciences building underway, this footpath could have been blocked by an imposing building if not for a graceful architectural solution. Chicago-based architects Granger and Bollenbacher designed the now 85-year-old Morse-Ingersoll Recitation Hall with a large central arch to encourage the traversing to continue.

学生们聚集在莫尔斯·英格索尔拱门附近 An account of the time in College Archives reflects: “I know of no college building anywhere that has been built with such careful adaptation to the terrain, 他仔细地想了想,那座房子正对着两条街, and imaginative concern about one other circumstance: that for nearly a century the people of northeast 贝洛伊特 had been in the habit of taking a diagonal path across the campus to town. 因此有了拱门, 穿过大学大楼的公共通道, embodying the idea that 十大菠菜台子 is a part of its community.” (The double-spaced typewritten page is believed to have been written by Helen Drew Richardson, 罗伯特·迪基·理查森教授的妻子.)

小查尔斯·莫尔斯送的礼物. and his wife Charlotte Ingersoll Morse (class of 1899) made the construction of what was then 贝洛伊特’s main classroom building possible. 这对夫妇给了学院100多美元,000 toward the project and named it to honor their parents: Charles Morse, Sr.一位实业家,一位著名的编辑查尔默斯·英格索尔. 两人都帮助塑造了伯洛伊特城.

1931年M-I刚开始上课的时候, The Alumnus magazine called the solid brick structure with its Bedford stone trim and slate roof “thoroughly fireproof.它有11间教室, 17个办事处, and a second-story “Victrola room” for the language departments. 这座建筑的特点是有现代化的通风系统, 还有它的走廊, 大厅, 教室的设计使自然光最大化. On the second floor, skylights captured attic light and directed it into classrooms. 校园书店, 心理学实验室, and locker rooms for students to hang their coats and hats were all located in the lower level. The lecture hall we now call Richardson Auditorium had no name then, but it was intended to be used by Professor Dickie Richardson to give his “famous Monday morning history lectures.”


在差不多整整85年前的一个仪式上, 1930年11月, then-College President Irving Mau... 在差不多整整85年前的一个仪式上, 1930年11月, then-College President Irving Maurer (at left with papers) invIted donor and college trustee Charles Morse to lay the cornerstone to the Morse-Ingersoll RecitatIon Hall. 在它被永久密封之前, 他们在里面放了一个盒子,里面装着一些物品, 一个时间胶囊仍在那里等待着后代.

在差不多整整85年前的一个仪式上, 1930年11月, then-College President Irving Maurer (at left with papers) invited donor and college trustee Charles Morse to lay the cornerstone to the Morse-Ingersoll Recitation Hall. 在它被永久密封之前, 他们在里面放了一个盒子,里面装着一些物品, 一个时间胶囊仍在那里等待着后代.



The last stanza of a poem by Professor of History Robert “Dickie” Richardson, 1901-1947年间在伯洛伊特大学任教的人, 是为了纪念1931年这座建筑的落成而写的:








壁炉休息室1931 壁炉休息室1931

What’s now called the Fireplace Lounge on the second floor of M-I was an intentional part of the original design, though it was repurposed into faculty offices during a later renovation, 然后在相同的空间恢复. It still exists today, where it is in daily use for gatherings, classes, and study space. In 1930, this pine-paneled lounge was described as an “informal seminar room” to be used for student organizations having contact with faculty, 部门的俱乐部, 也是教师们进行非正式教学的地方.

“这是一个体现这些重要因素的房间, 友好的, stimulating contacts between faculty and students which have been so famous a tradition at 贝洛伊特,M-I的奉献计划惊呼道.


A few notable elements have been added to the original Morse-Ingersoll Hall structure over the years.

20世纪40年代, a marble fountain was placed on the southwest exterior wall to honor Loyll Emanuel Plinske, an alumnus who died in a 1941 plane crash while in pilot training for the U.S. 空军.

M-I后面的矮墙和广场, as well as the bell that once resided in the cupola of Middle College, 不是原计划的一部分吗. They were gifts from the class of 1950, installed in the summer of 1950.

In 1996, the college went ahead with a large two-story addition at the south end of M-I’s east wing. To emulate the original design, this addition includes a deep, walk-through arch. A large staircase, faculty and staff offices, mechanicals, and storage fill this space today.



就像任何已经存在了几十年的建筑一样, 莫尔斯-英格索兰大厦有它的秘密, 隐藏的空间, 它的鬼故事.

理查森礼堂下面, 一个爬行的地方仍然有一个大树桩, the remnant of a giant tree apparently felled in the late 1920s when the site was cleared for construction.

五彩缤纷的, printed maps at the front of most M-I classrooms were removed to make way for renovations and technology updates. These classic pull-down maps revealed layers of even older maps hanging behind them, 它们柔和的色彩勾勒出古老的政治边界. 而不是丢弃这些地图, many were rescued and mounted on hallway walls to be viewed like an art collection.

1996年的校史《老伯洛伊特的甜蜜疯狂青年, 戴夫·梅森49年写的, 包括这栋楼里发生的一起死亡事件. “Another ghostly personality no doubt still haunting the lower levels of M-I was ‘Clem,’ a jovial elderly custodian who liked to dress up for campus events by adding a garish multi-colored necktie to his uniform of the day. His body was discovered one night in the lonely basement boiler room under the Richardson Auditorium, a space he regarded as his private lair when not tending to custodial duties.”


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