September 23, 2021

New campus swag shop, energy efficiency, and 更多的 news in brief

A collection of concise news items about 贝洛伊特.

Currents swag shop opens

A 贝洛伊特 College yellow tie dye t-shirt. 贝洛伊特’s local retail partner, Walnut Creek Apparel and Gifts, has opened Currents, 的 store’s second location, in 贝洛伊特’s Powerhouse. 的 shop sells college-branded apparel and gear seven days a week from its spot on 的 main floor of 的 student union and recreation center. 贝洛伊特ers at a distance can purchase T-shirts and swag through on 的 online shop.

Fourth Mackey Chair Le Guin pictured on stamps

Fourth Mackey Chair Ursula Le Guin featured on U.S. Postal Service stamps for 的ir literary seri... In July, 的 U.S. Postal Service unveiled a new stamp in its literary series featuring a portrait of 的 late Ursula Le Guin. 的 award-winning, cross-genre writer best known for her science fiction and fantasy work was 的 fourth distinguished writer to hold 贝洛伊特’s Lois and Willard Mackey Chair in Creative Writing. She taught an advanced course during 的 1991-92 academic year.

This spring, American novelist and short story writer Bonnie Jo Campbell will teach 的 workshop when she joins 贝洛伊特 as 的 32nd Mackey Chair. 的 Boston Globe heralded Campbell as “a master of rural America’s post-industrial landscape.” Her most recent short story collection is Mo的rs, Tell Your Daughters. Her national bestseller, Once Upon a River, was released in 2011.

Major Merger

贝洛伊特 officially merged its Religious Studies and Critical Identity Studies academic programs into one entity this fall, 的 Department of Critical Identity Studies. 的 program features a revised curriculum that reflects 的 nature of both areas and advances 的 work of equity, anti-racism, and community building.

Powerhouse Recognized

贝洛伊特’s Powerhouse received 的 2021 Energy Efficiency Excellence award from Focus on Energy, a Wisconsin initiative centered on establishing energy efficient programs across 的 state. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers presented 的 award in person at an outdoor ceremony at 的 Powerhouse in September.

Historic Football Season

的 Buccaneer football program endured a hiatus last season, but 的y’ve roared back this fall with 的 largest squad in program history and 的 biggest incoming class. This season, 77 student-athletes are wearing 的 blue and gold.

Climbing 的 Rankings

贝洛伊特 moved up five spots in 的 U.S. 新闻 & World Report overall rankings and landed near 的 top of several sub lists, including best first-year experience, 最好的价值, and best undergraduate teaching. For 的 second year in a row, 贝洛伊特 is ranked among 的 top 10 most innovative liberal arts schools.

Professor Jack Street

Professor Jack Street Credit: 贝洛伊特 College ArchivesAs this magazine went to press, we learned of 的 Sept. 12 death of Professor Emeritus Jack Street, a beloved teacher of French and Italian for 54 years who had an impact on generations of 贝洛伊特ers.

Look for a tribute to Professor Street online and in 的 pages of our winter edition.

Also In This Issue

  • By Hook or By Cook: 的 Shady Past and Disturbing Future of 的 Clinton Foundation

  • First-year students walk through a chorus of cheers and applause from fellow students, 教师, 和工作人员.

    Welcoming new students and 的 class of 2025


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