保罗Engleman 76


贝洛伊特首创的咨询架构——AMP 将学生与导师联系起来, 帮助他们适应大学生活, and sets their sights on the outcomes of their liberal 艺术s education.

任何参加过近年来大学招生活动的人都知道许多未来的学生和他们的父母都会问一个共同的问题. 他们的教育能多快带来成功的职业生涯?

对莱斯利·戴维森(Leslie Davidson)来说,在一个以职业为导向的环境中解释文科教育的相关性是最重要的挑战, 伯洛伊特大学负责招生的副校长. “当你看到与职业相关的研究, 从长远来看,文科毕业生是有优势的, 但就感知而言,这是一个劣势,她说。.

Davidson believes the turning point came after the 2008-09 recession. “It used to be that the self-actualization purpose of college was good enough for many parents,她说。. “但是,由于担心这一代人的经济状况并不比他们的父母好,因此大学毕业后找一份好工作是不容置疑的。. Colleges need to validate that concern on the p艺术 of students and parents, because it’s real.”

追溯到 20世纪60年代的伯洛伊特计划 十大菠菜台子是首批引入“实地学期”(Field Term)工作要求的学校之一。十大菠菜台子通过文科的视角关注职业准备. 在过去的几年里, 然而, the college has been 更多的 intentional about addressing the concerns Davidson outlines.

A strategic planning committee’s work in 2019 resulted in several major initiatives, including 职业生涯通道是由八个职业类别组成的一组 艺术 to Worldbuilding — that link students to information and recommendations on courses, 校园活动, 和可用的资源(e.g.(实习).

一个相关的倡议, 综合学习成果(ILOs), 阐明课程和日常校园生活中包含的四个学习目标:有效的沟通, 富有成效的合作, 创造性地解决问题, 以及专业和智力的敏捷性.


Assistant Professor of Chemistry Kristin Labby reviews the work of a student.
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而职业渠道和ilo则是在职业背景下重申贝洛伊特长期以来的方法的一种方式, 在战略规划过程中发展起来的第三个倡议需要一个全新的师生咨询倾斜 高级辅导计划,简称AMP. 这是一个程序, 副院长乔伊·德León说, 是否在其他大学的管理人员中引起了轰动.

Here’s how it works: Within 72 hours of committing to attend 贝洛伊特, 新入学的学生会根据他们从十几门入门课程中选择的课程,被分配一名指导老师. 在第一学期开始前的一段时间里,指导老师可以通过电子邮件和定期安排的个人和团体视频电话来回答他们的任何问题.

教师建议和指导学生在1对1的设置. 一次是在伯洛伊特, 每个学生都参加每周一次的四分之一学分的AMP研讨会,指导老师帮助他们轻松地过渡到大学生活,并开始思考他们的职业目标. 作为研讨会的一部分, 一年级学生参加AMP的“联系”会议——由校园团体主办的每周一小时的信息和活动.

AMP顾问和被顾问之间的关系一直持续到大二,直到学生选择自己专业的学术顾问. 这所大学提供 二年级学生选修的一套四分之一学分的AMP课程 that focus on broader questions related to planning for the future.

“寄存学生与导师的早期联系几乎是闻所未闻的,但却很有意义, 尤其是在我们遭遇大流行的时候,de León说. “在过去, students would deposit [their enrollment fees] from December to May, and then they wouldn’t hear that much from us until they arrived in August.”


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贝洛伊特 Residencies bring experts from across the world to work with students each year, such as r...

生物学 Rachel Bergstrom教授, 谁与de León共同指导AMP项目, 说, “我们在Covid出现之前就计划了AMP,因为我们认识到学生与校园生活联系的重要性. 在与大流行期间高中生活受到严重影响的学生合作时,我们看到了巨大的好处. AMP为我们提供了很大的灵活性和空间,让我们能够预测和应对学生在这里取得成功所需的条件.”

Davidson 说 the program is getting a positive response from prospective students and parents. “The transition to college is exciting but stressful,她说。. “Having access to a person who can help plan that experience makes a difference. Students and parents like the idea that they already have a college advisor while still in high school. And that advisor is a faculty member, not a paid admissions staffer.

“We also explain the highly relational nature of this community,她说。. “Your 贝洛伊特 advisor is not someone you talk with only about academics. 你可以谈论任何你想到的事情. It’s not uncommon for an advisor to be at your game, or your performance, or your 艺术 show opening.”

Dance faculty work with students to choreograph performances on campus and around the world. Bergstrom 说, “The parents I’ve spoken with have been impressed with the early advisor match. They feel like their kids are getting an inside view of the college before they get here. It helps them feel confident that their kids will be 好吧 taken care of.”

De León说:“给学分,并在课程表上留出一个时间段,这基本上是一门咨询课程,这表明我们非常重视这种咨询关系.” She explains that 15 faculty members are p艺术icipating in AMP, 每个小组由18到20名学生组成. AMP顾问不会获得额外的经济补偿, 但是他们的教学计划减少了一门课.

英语 professor Chuck 刘易斯, who directs 贝洛伊特’s writing program, played a key role in designing AMP. “我们与招生部门密切合作,使我们的方法与他们告诉我们的未来学生及其家长的担忧和看法保持一致,他说. “传统的咨询模式过于被动. They have a ‘we’re here for you’ mindset that doesn’t work 好吧 for everybody. 有些学生在培养导师方面比其他人做得更好, 寻求支持, 并充分利用现有资源. We’ve changed our entire academic schedule to hard wire in these advising classes, 我们把咨询和我们课程的其他部分一样,进行了正式的结构和有意的设计.”

刘易斯, 明年谁将取代de León成为AMP的联合主席, sees the program as mutually beneficial for students and faculty. “They know me better, I know them better,他说 of students. “I’m 更多的 proactive and attentive, they see me as 更多的 available. We make 更多的 connections between our academic work and everything else. It’s as if we’ve both opened up a few 更多的 windows to each other because, 好吧, 我们有一个内置更多Windows的结构.”

De León表示,学生们对这个项目有不同的反应. “有些人狼吞虎咽,有些人认为他们已经超越了它. 到目前为止,我们在评估中发现的一件事是,学生们重视与导师的关系, 这是最重要的部分.”

While first-year student Sydney Grace Moses was aware of AMP before she applied, 使伯洛伊特大学成为她的第一选择,并把她从洛杉矶吸引到威斯康星州的是写作课程, 还有想看雪的欲望. 当一位招生顾问安排她与英语教授克里斯·芬克(Chris Fink)通电话时,她提前了解了伯洛伊特学院教师的平易近人, 谁教创意写作,谁编辑 贝洛伊特小说杂志.

A member of the Worldbuilding Collective club and a tutor in the middle-school mentoring program, 摩西说,AMP研讨会上的一些与职业相关的话题她根本不感兴趣. But she values the relationship she has developed with her advisor, 人类学 professor Leslie Williams, and the opportunity to make friends in her advising group. 她甚至发现她的人类学入门课程非常有趣,她正在考虑将人类学作为她的专业.


Bergstrom他. “Many of our students don’t know what they want to do or don’t know how to do what they want to do,她说。. “I think AMP enables us to meet individual students where they are in their level of career readiness.”



校友 and local experts meet with students during the annual Econ Day activities.
The Career Works office helps students find, prepare for, and apply to job opportunities.

将职业准备整合到文科教育中,对教师提出了创造性的挑战,要求他们设计适合这两种兴趣的课程. While AMP offerings for second-year students focus attention on developing useful skills, 他们还从发现生活目标的更广泛意义上讨论了职业准备的概念.

2021-22学年的大二AMP研讨会包括“人民的敌人:幸福的敌人”, 通过阅读扎米亚京的两部小说来审视理想社会与个人自由之间的关系 We 和奥威尔的 1984; Saving 贝洛伊特’s Stories: Preserving the Past through Oral History, a course on gathering information through oral history interviews that students conduct and submit to the college archives; and Creating Meaningful Connections and Worlds, 它探讨了文学, 语言, 艺术, 媒体塑造了我们当前的世界,赋予我们想象的能力, 创建, 改变未来的世界.

十大菠菜台子 students have an opportunity to ask questions of some of 贝洛伊特's top CEOs at the ... 教学大纲的开篇 哲学 Matt Tedesco教授大二的AMP课程, 找到意义, could serve as a mission statement for the college’s renewed program and identity: “A 贝洛伊特 education, 通过我们的综合学习成果, 目的是发展你的技能,为你的职业生涯做好准备. But being career ready is not an end in itself, nor is any career that you might pursue. Presumably there are greater ends still — something like, a meaningful, good, flourishing life. 这样的事情包括什么? How do we pursue it — or, perhaps, how do we avoid missing out on it? This class will be about priority-setting in the broadest possible sense. 我们会遇到托尔斯泰笔下的伊凡里奇, 以及我们生活中的其他人, 彼此之间, 在一段旅程中,看看我们是否能找到意义——或者, 至少, 开始吧.”

Says Tedesco: “I have become an increasingly big believer in metacognition — thinking about learning. 每次我考试或布置作业的时候, 我想让学生问为什么要给他们布置这个作业. 我想让学生们看到,他们所做的一切对他们大学生活的技能和成果都有贡献.”


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