April 30, 2018

From the Archives

You never know what you’re going to find.

Mixed in among the documents and photographs you’d expect to find in Beloit’s Archives are any number of unusual objects, such as beanies, banners, busts, and other Beloit ephemera from long ago, not to mention examples of vintage college swag. The exact origin of this bright felt pennant is unknown, but Archivist Fred Burwell’86 speculates this expression of Beloit spirit has been around for at least a century.

Also In This Issue

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  • Amanda Browder ’98, in back, looks on as Sophia Hale-Brown ’18, left, Nancy Story, center, and Joyce Ronan work on “Power Plant Beloit.” (The finished piece is on our inside front cover.)

    Ephemeral Art is One BIG Collaboration

  • Seeking a Good Society


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